How do I make a model constantly spawn at a certain point?

You may want to increase the wait(3) so that they are spawned less frequently.

wait(30) might work, all depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

The red cars are spawning and are being teleported to the spawner and moving, but I can’t see them.

copy.Parent = workspace instead of copy.Parent = workspace.Parent.

Shift the :PivotTo() line above this line as well, i.e; set the car’s position first before its parent property.

OMG, it’s working!!! One last problem, the cars are spawning on top of the first car, instead of at the spawner.

Script if you need it:

*, copy:GetExtentsSize().Y / 2, 0)

Maybe increase the wait(3) to wait(10).

So that the previous cars have moved before the new cars are spawned.

Still spawning on top, but the spawning stops when the Parent car goes into the void.

Move a copy of the car to ReplicatedStorage and clone from there instead.

When I try and replace local RedCar = workspace.RedCar. With replicated storage, it says “unknown global replicated storage”

Also, should my script be in the workspace or the car spawner part?

Maybe I should give it up tbh.

Where is the CarSpawner? Make sure it isn’t moving.

It is right above the car that is being cloned, but is anchored in place.

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