How do i make a model dissapear

How can I make a model disappear?

Do you want it to be timed, or just instantly?

Instantly as soon as possible yes

Via scripting or manually?

You can either move it to Replicated Storage or just Destroy it. Here would be a script:

local model = --define model here

local model = -- define model here
model.Parent= game.ReplicatedStorage
--You can then reparent the model to the workspace if you need to call it back.
model.Parent = workspace --parent back to workspace after 10 seconds
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Id imagine just doing

for i,v in pairs(Model:GetDecendents()) do
if v:IsA(“BasePart”) then
v.Transparency = 1

sorry for spelling mistakes if any, this would make the model go invisible, but you can still interact with it.

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local DetectPlayer = game.Workspace.InvisibleDetector
local DissapearingWalls = game.Workspace.DissapearingWalls
local Part = game.Workspace.DissapearingWalls.Part

local DissapearingWalls = game.Workspace.DissapearingWalls:GetDescendants()

for index, onTouched in pairs(Part) do
for i,v in pairs(DissapearingWalls:GetDecendents()) do
if v:IsA(“Part”) then
v.Transparency = 1

I still get a error for this and I don’t know why

Try this:

local DissapearingWalls = game.Workspace.DissapearingWalls
     if not hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end --if it wasn't a player that touched it then ignore
     for i,v in pairs(DissapearingWalls:GetDecendents()) do
         if v:IsA("Part") then
            v.Transparency = 1
            v.CanCollide = false
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