How do I make a model have a bodyvelocity?

So I have a model that has a shake and everything but I want to move it forward how would I make the whole model move to one place? I don’t need the script since I can script i just need an idea

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Have you tried welding together all the parts in the model and applying the velocity to one of the parts.


Primary Parts
I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but you can use a model’s primary part (once set) as means to move the rest of the parts in the model effortlessly.


I’d suggest welding all the parts to a central part, and then applying the force.

If you’re looking to move the model around simply, you can use Model:MoveTo or Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame

Assuming you don’t want it to move to a goal instantaneously, I will share my personal practice with this kind of issue:

I place a BodyVelocity object in the PrimaryPart of the model. I then use a script to set the velocity of the BodyVelocity object to head in the direction of the given goal. I also use the same script to set the velocity to 0 when the part is within a short enough distance to the goal that we can consider it reached.

There are two alternatives to this method:

  1. Instead of defining the primary part of the model, you can just put the BodyVelocity in whatever part you want, as long as you give the part a unique yet standard name, such as “MovementPart;” and

  2. You can also use BodyPosition in place of BodyVelocity, so that you don’t have to check to see if the part has reached the goal.

One final note on this method: both BodyPostition and BodyVelocity apply force on all 3 axes. If your model is something like a car or a monster that stays on the ground, this can cause problems. To fix any potential issues, you can set the force on one of the axes to 0. You may have to tinker around to figure out which axis is the correct one to leave out, but otherwise it should work.

This obviously isn’t the best method, but it’s what I’m most familiar with it, which is why I decided to mention it.

Hope this helped!

This is a projectile so I can’t really just add it in a part