So, took a break from my game to make another game. But I ran into a problem. I don’t know how to make a moving road just like other games. This is what I made. It’s choppy and when you jump, you become as fast as the vehicle for a few seconds. It’s a server script.
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local baseplate = workspace.Baseplate
local startPosition = baseplate.Position
function move()
baseplate.Position = startPosition
local tween = tweenService:Create(baseplate,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {Position =,-10,baseplate.Size.Z/10 - 10)})
Is it supposed to get faster?
I think the issue is because you’re placing it in startercharacterscripts, which every time you lose the character adds a new script and removes the old one (cause when you reset you lose the character model)
I think placing it in starterplayerscripts would solve the issue
No. It’s not supposed to go faster. It’s supposed to go normal speed. But it works! But there’s still one issue. When I jump, the baseplate just moves normally probably because it’s a conveyer and not an actual moving platform.