How do I make a Npc that can load the player's avatar?

I will soon begin making cutscenes in some of my games. Some of these cutscenes involves the player’s avatar. What I am trying to achieve is to make an R6 dummy become the avatar of the current player. I’ve tried looking for solutions on the Forum and in the toolbox, but this issue is too specific.

An Example of what I want to achieve

This is what the Npc will look like when it is not loaded as an avatar:

Let’s say this player joins: (This will be in a 1 player server.)

The Npc will look the same as that player.

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you can apply the Humanoid Description of the player into the dummy

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Dummy = game -- path of the dummy

	local Character = Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local Desc = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):GetAppliedDescription()
	for _, Object in pairs(Dummy:GetChildren()) do
		if Object:IsA("Clothing") then

I believe clothings and accessories would stay after putting a desc on a character and applying a desc again would duplicate the character’s clothes and accessories so clothings and accessories would need to be destroyed after applying a desc

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I have it set up like this, but it won’t work, is there anything wrong here?