How do I make a parry/perfect guard system

I’m working on a block system for a project, and I’m trying to make it so that some attacks can be parried. The issue is that I have no idea how to go about it. I attempted to make one previously but failed miserably. I also tried looking up how to make a perfect guard/parry system but couldn’t find anything. Someone’s assistance would be greatly appreciated.


You can create a script in this order:

IF the player activate block/parry

  • Set block to true
  • Set parry to true
  • Set how many seconds you want parry to be active
  • Set parry to false

IF the enemy attacks

  • Check if the player’s parry is active
  • Check if the attack the enemy is doing parryable
    If not, do damage
    If yes, parry

As @Dragonfable6000 said, you can use boolvalues objects to share the values between scripts, if you want to see about, click here

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