How do i make a part face the front surface of another part?

i want part 1 to face the front surface of part 2

Alright so you need to use CFrames in order to do this

local NewCFrame =, Part2.Position) -- this will create a new CFrame 
Part1.CFrame = NewCFrame -- sets Part1's CFrame to the new CFrame we just created

Note: You also could find this on google.

I’m pretty sure his saying that he wants the part1’s front surface to face the front surface of the part2.

Here’s an example:

That’s what I did in those lines of code.

That’s not the expected behaviour of this code, as this code only makes the part’s front surface face the target’s position – which is the centre. This can be used:

local target = Part2.CFrame *, 0, -Part2.Size.Z / 2)
Part1.CFrame =, target.Position)
this is the result from using your code
why is it rotated like that?

Alternatively, you could use the PointToWorldSpace function and feed if the LookVector. This would give you a precise target translated in relation to the CFrame’s rotation.


local target = part1.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(part1.CFrame.LookVector);
part2.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(part2.Position, target);

FYI:, lookAt) was superseded by CFrame.lookAt(), it just remains for backwards compatibility.

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same problem when using your code too:

What is part1 being defined as? They all seem to face the same way.

im confused so heres the code:

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, pos, target) -- First return in the player, then any passed values

local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.ball:Clone()

local target2 = target.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(target.CFrame.LookVector);

part.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(part.Position, target2);

part.Target.Value = target

part.Parent = game.Workspace

part.Position = pos
