alr so i am kinda dum and new to coding, im trying to have a bunch of parts that float up spawning randomly inside a brick that is the size of the map, i have no idea how to use math.random nor vector3 if u even need it for this. the part part the clones is inside server storage.
heres to part but i want it to be clon’ed everywhere inside a part.
this is what I have come up with to make the parts spawn in random locations within the specified area. (you will need to find the CFrame of each of the four sides of the area for this to work)
This is what the explorer looks like for me:
this is the script in ServerScriptService:
local floor = workspace.Floor
local part = game.ServerStorage.Part
local randtime = math.random(1,5)
while wait(randtime) do
local rand1 = math.random(-255,255)
local rand2 = math.random(-255,255)
local clonepart = part:Clone()
clonepart.Parent = workspace
clonepart.CFrame =,0,rand2)
This is in the script inside the part to make it goy upwards:
while script.Parent.Parent == workspace do
script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame +,1,0)
If the part is some kind of cuboid it’s possible to get the bounds with the following formula: XPos-XSize/2+Part.Size.X/2 where X can be every axis and - can be +(basically back/front bounds):
local Part = workspace.Part
local Floor = workspace.Baseplate
function GetPositionInPart(p, object, YOffset)
local pos, siz1, siz2 = p.Position, p.Size, object.Size
local XMin = pos.X-siz1.X/2+siz2.X/2
local XMax = pos.X+siz1.X/2-siz2.X/2
local ZMin = pos.Z-siz1.Z/2+siz2.Z/2
local ZMax = pos.Z+siz1.Z/2-siz2.Z/2
local chosenX = math.random(XMin, XMax)
local chosenZ = math.random(ZMin, ZMax)
local chosenY = pos.Y+siz1.Y/2+siz2.Y/2+YOffset
local Position =, chosenY, chosenZ)
return Position
--position the part, 2 studs above the ground
Part.Position = GetPositionInPart(Floor, Part, 2)