How do i make a part visible only from inside it

I’m trying to make a black hole model, and black holes blueshift light coming near it, so everything outside of it appears bluer than it is if you’re close to it, and I want to try to simulate that but I don’t know how.

Outside a black hole:

On the edge of a black hole:

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If you’re able to provide more information on how this is supposed to be visualised that would be helpful, however, you can manipulate the meshes normal by flipping them in a 3D software (i.e. Blender) - this would mean that certain parts of the mesh will be visible based on the players angle to the surface which I believe a black hole does (correct me if I’m wrong). This process is quite difficult and requires a bunch of trial and error, however, it will hopefully get your outcome that you want.

Hopefully this post will help you, and your development project with black holes is quite interesting - keep it up!

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i got the images i used in SpaceEngine (on Steam)