Hello devs, so i was trying to do an Personal UI (A button only for me).
How can i do it?
Any Script will be Useful!
Hello devs, so i was trying to do an Personal UI (A button only for me).
How can i do it?
Any Script will be Useful!
First, you need to set the “Enabled” property of the GUI to false. Then create a LocalScript inside the GUI with this code:
local Owner = [Your UserId]
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId == Owner then
script.Parent.Enabled = true
This script basically checks if your user id matches the id inside the “Owner” variable then if both of them matches, the GUI will be visible.
@Maytidis_good way can be exploited easily This is better and non exploitable
First add a script inside of ServerScriptService And add the gui inside of the script.
Add this script
Make sure to also name the Gui to OwnerGui
local Owner = {} -- your userid
if table.find(Owner, Player.UserId) then
local OwnerGui = script.OwnerGui:Clone()
OwnerGui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
It worked but it gave me this error: “ScreenGui is not a valid memeber of Script “ServerScriptService””
I renamed the GUI to OwnerGUI
Is the Gui parent to the script?
OwnerGui, its inside of the script
Can you send me a screenshot of what is inside of the script?
It’s working for me perfectly fine.
Double check your Gui is Called “OwnerGui” and it’s inside of the script.
Nevermind, it worked, thanks =)