How do I make a player float mid air while still allowing them to move around on their x and z axis?

I’m trying to create an air walking system. I want my character to just stay on the air while still allowing them to move around like walking normally. I’ve tried using LinearVelocity but it doesn’t seem to work. Here’s part of my script on the server:

			lv ="LinearVelocity", hrp)
			lv.Attachment0 = lvatt
			lv.MaxForce = math.huge
			lv.VelocityConstraintMode = "Line"
			lv.LineDirection =,10,0)
			lv.LineVelocity = 0

Ok, I kinda got it to work and do what i want but now im facing another problem: it looks like this
i tried state changing but then it just makes the entire thing not work altogether
EDIT: I tried setstateenabled on both the client server, still doesn’t work

I used invisible platforms that move under the player with collisiongroup setups.

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