How do I make a players avatar show in game

Hello, I’m trying to make it where I have a blank dummy and the player sees the dummy as their avatar, another player sees it as their own avatar at the same time as well, how do I do this?


You can first set up a blank dummy on the server side. Then, on the client side change the appearance of the dummy to the avatar of the person viewing it. This works because each person only views the dummy from the client perspective, so it will not change on the server and replicate to everyone else.

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How would I change the appearance to theirs? I would of scripted it to make it like this

Script.Parent.RightArm.Color = Game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.RightArm.Color but how would I add the wings if they do have any

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I would clone the parts in the character of the player instead, to account for other details such as shirts/hats. To do this, you can clone the character, change the name and delete everything that isn’t a part of the avatar, such as parts and meshes, and then replace the dummy with it. (Using :Clone and a for loop)

I’m not very familiar with this subject, so this might not work. Hope this helps.

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It probs will work for shirts and pants but I’m pretty sure hat positions don’t update on the client side so then you would have to position all the hats manually

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You can use Humanoid:ApplyDescription to set the appearance of the dummy automatically, then use Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId to get the humanoid description of the player.

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i did this and it placed the wings in the wrong place, is there a more accurate one?

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You could also just clone the players character and set its CFrame to the CFrame you want. This also would clone any scripts inside the player which would need to be destroyed.

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