See how the big pink thing wobbles up down left right?
I would like to know how to do this
I have looked on the developer forum but cant seem to find anything
I know how to do alot of simple coding but i dont know how to get an effect like this.
Hope you get back to me soon
I’m not in a position to try it at the moment, but if you take the ‘TweenService’ example and play with it that might get you started. This probably won’t wobble the way you want but I can’t test it atm.
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") --get TweenService
local part = script.Parent --part
part.Position =, 4, -1) --starting position
part.Anchored = true
part.Parent = game.Workspace
local tweenInfo =
0.1, --length of time
Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, --Style
Enum.EasingDirection.Out, --Direction
-1, --set to negative to loop
true, --reverse once Goal is met
0 --delay
local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, {Position =, 5, 1)}) --new position
Here is some code I took from one of my scripts, it runs when fired from a remote event (easily moveable to any script though). You can change how much it will shake on each axis through the x, y, and z variables.
Keep in mind you will need to modify the variables to comply with your script.
camera_shake.OnClientEvent:connect(function(origin, intensity, range)
local player, character, humanoid = player_children()
local mag = magnitude(character.PrimaryPart.Position, origin)
if mag <= range then
for i = 1, intensity do
local x = math.random(-100,100)/100
local y = math.random(-100,100)/100
local z = math.random(-100,100)/100
camera.FieldOfView = fov + x
humanoid.CameraOffset =,y,z)
Odawg probably has what your looking for based on the video, it looked like mostly camera shake. It you simply wanted to to wobble a part, like an egg, you could just loop something like…
i dont want to wobble the camera. I want to wobble the workspace object in all 4 dirrections using tween service and that code dosent even do anything. I think you need to look at the video and watch the pink orb more closer to see what im actually asking
Since it’s a sphere, it can’t move left to right and it looks wobbly because of the camera but I got something else
local size = script.Parent.Size -- Normal size
while wait(0.1) do
local randomX = math.random(1,90)
local randomY = math.random(1,90)
local randomZ = math.random(1,90)
local randomSizeX = math.random(size.X, size.X + 0.5) -- Pick a random size for the x axis
local randomSizeZ = math.random(size.Z, size.Z + 0.5) -- Pick a random size for the z axis
script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(randomX),math.rad(randomY),math.rad(randomZ))
script.Parent.Size =, 0, randomSizeZ) -- Changing the size
script.Parent.Size = size -- Changing it back to the original size
You dont understand. Its not the camera that makes it look shakey. the pink orb dose move IT DOSE MOVE you need to just pay closer attention to the orb