How do I make a roller coaster

I’ve seen many roller coasters in Theme park tycoon 2 by @Den_S , they move without lag and they move however we place the track, meaning its not an animation, which moves according to it only

Wherever we keep the track, the coasters go slowly, and they dont lag either

Can anyone tell me how to do that?

Physics, bodymovers, complex math, CFrame manipulation, loads of effort and some @Den_S magic.

I dont know if it is true or not, the system is similar to what “factory tycoon” conveyor’s like, getting the next “conveyor” or “Rail” and get the part cframe. Maybe The train uses :Lerp or TweenService

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Have you tried surfing youtube?

this video might also help


Yes I did but they used roblox physics to make roller coasters, those were quite laggy and werent as smooth as the trains in theme park tycoon

Yes I tried making one, I will show it in this post and and don’t you think lots of tweens will make it lag?

I mean if there are 10 trains, 10 tweens wont make it lag?
robloxapp-20220407-1506230.wmv (2.4 MB)

The Solution Is Using “For Loop”, Example:

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
for i,v in pairs(workspace.FolderTrain:GetChildren) do
  if v:IsA("BasePart") then
    local anim = ts:Create(v,,{CFrame = x.CFrame})

This will grab all the train and make tween for them

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Why using Tween for 10 trains? just weld them.
and use tween for 1 train.

Welds don’t work for moving parts,I have tried to use welds, weld contraits but none worked

alternate: using rope and make the rope transparent :+1:

Then they will be hanging down, the parts should be stable

You can use hinge constraint maybe ?