How do I make a savepoint?

Hello! How do I make a savepoint like in undertale where you click it and when you leave and rejoin or die you will spawn there. How do I do this?

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#help-and-feedback:scripting-support move topic here

Respawning there is easy, there are lots of topics on how to use SpawnLocations.

Saving and loading the game can be a lot more complicated, especially if you want to perfectly save the state of the world (e.g. which enemies have been defeated, how far along the player is in different quests, which chests have been opened, what’s in the players inventory, etc.).

In the simplest case, you just have to store which SpawnLocation a player has reached, just like saving systems in obbies. Anything beyond that is an additional thing you will have to think carefully about and implement a saving system for. And a loading system too.

If you’re just getting started with data stores, I recommend checking out the wiki page and also DataStore2, which is a module created by a Roblox community member that simplifies a lot of data store work.

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