How do I make a security camera system that can't be used by the player?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to achieve a security camera system where a camera’s feed is projected on a computer screen. The camera CANNOT be manipulated by the player (that is, the camera is automated and the feed can only be seen on the computer)

  2. What is the issue?
    I don’t even know where to begin. It was already pretty difficult to ask this question, because I didn’t even know how I would ask it at first.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Yes. My mind first jumped to Viewport Frames.
    However, when I went searching on DevHub, I found a lot of solutions telling me that viewport frames are very laggy and oftentimes aren’t practical.

I can’t just set the Player CFrame to the camera’s CFrame, because, the camera is automated and not controlled by a player.

I have seen something like this work in games like Ability Wars (specifically Portal, which lets you make two portals, and you can see real-time player interaction on the other end of a portal.)

I don’t want any code, I just want some potential ideas on what I could proceed with and try? Since I’m currently out.

using a view port frame would definitely not work here. i think you could just make the players cameratype scriptable

camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

this will make it so it cant be controlled by the player. then just set the cameras cframe to wherever you want.
then when your done set the camera type to custom witch will allow the player to controll it again and will return it to the player. eg.

camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
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How would that really work? Would that like, allow me to see the camera’s feed on the screen?
For more context, I’m trying to replicate this: (0:44-1:50)
You can see how the camera’s feed is projected from a camera high up, but the player cannot control the camera. (Ignore the hallucinations here)

oh i misunderstood you my bad. yeah if you want the camera to show up on a ui then you would need to use viewport frames. so just set the viewport frames camera to where ever and clone all of the parts in the scene into the camera. if the whole scene is a model then its very easy to clone it into the viewport frames. for things that are going to be moving (unanchored parts, players, etc) you need to constantly reclone those into the view port frame each frame, but it will be slightly delayed.


thanks a lot man it completely worked! (screw thirty ch!r limit)

  1. yeah, the entire map I made is one model, split into multiple different models for each room
  2. that’s fine. it’s a security cam anyways, and the natural server lag fits perfectly
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just wondering about this however: If I just instantly clone the model in, would that cause lag?

Since I’ve made an experimental chunk loader before and when I just put the model in, it caused a whole bunch of lag and visibly took time to load