How do I make a similar menu to deepwoken?

So basically I am trying to achieve a similar menu to deepwoken (The background).
It has
-Dust effect which goes from lower left to upper right (Particle, but unknown how it got implemented into an UI)
-Moving background (Kinda hard to explain but it becomes light then becomes darker etc)

Could we see a video or image of the UI? I don’t have the game.


Yea of course,New Menu Music!!! | Deepwoken - YouTube

The particles wouldn’t be too difficult as you could just have a UI with a coloured wall behind it and have a particle emitter out of frame below the camera that has the particles set to go from bottom to top. You could additionally have a semi transparent frame as the background of the UI set to the same colour so the particles are blurry and slightly tinted. I have done something similar to it with smoke and that is how I accomplished it.

I’m not sure the most efficient way to recreate the darkening around the screen though. You could have an imagelabel whos image is just that darkening affect as a static image and just tween the scale up and down with something like a cubic easing style. Then you could just set the tween to repeat and that would likely work just as well. The gradient wouldn’t be too difficult to make either since there isn’t much of a transition between levels of darkness in that video. At least, that’s how I would do it.


Alright Thanks, Just tried it and it works perfect


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