How do I make a smooth bezier curve using cyllinders?

Hi, I’m trying to make a smooth bezier curve with cyllinders using the Archimedes plugin, but the problem is that the cyllinders poke out like in this picture.

I’ve even tried using spheres between the cyllinders, like how people make pipes but that didn’t work too well either, as you can still see the edges.

Does anyone know a way to solve this?


The second method you did is the right choice, but because of the position of the cylinder and the size of the sphere it will be popping out. Try changing the position of the cylinder so that there’s no longer a edge popping out


I’ve tried changing the position and it still doesn’t work. The best I could do was have the sphere poking out like this.

You can just use a ring mesh and hide half of it underground.

I’m a bit confused what you mean by this, could you show an image of what you’re talking about?

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The easiest way to do this would be using the pivot editor, where you change the center of the cylider to match the sphere’s and rotate from there

best solution is to use 3d modeling software


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hes using 3d modeling software right now if you think about it

I would honestly just use Blender because in the end, it’s less time consuming than manually mashing hundreds of cylinders together. Here’s a tutorial for a potential application you might be using this for: How to create wires and pipes easy with curve modifier blender 2.9 (

You can do similar things with other objects in the software

I saw another post with this solution, and the problem is that no matter what there will be still a noticeable edge around one of the cyllinders. I think the best solution would be to use blender in this case, as the only other way I think you can maybe fix this is by using CSG, but I have no clue how you would even do that.

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