What do you want to achieve? A StarterCharacter that only I spawn as, if someone else joins they wont have it as well.
What is the issue? I’ve tried using different scripts that I didn’t make but they didnt work so I tried making my own, but that doesn’t work, here is an image below of what I made, but it failed.
I tried but it doesnt work, Im not quite sure how to make it so its in starterplayer only for me, I could use a localscript but then it would only show for me and I want it visible for other players, so I cant use a localscript.
local playerId = 1366889120
local customCharacter = game.ReplicatedStorage.Owner:WaitForChild(“OwnerCharacter”):Clone()
if player.UserId == playerId then
customCharacter.Parent = game.StarterPlayer
player.Character = customCharacter
yeah but it doesnt work either, I dont even see its name in workspace
if player.UserId == playerId then
customCharacter.Parent = workspace
player.Character = customCharacter
also for some reason when I die I dont respawn, so it leads me to believe that it sorta worked.
Before everything, disable the script for now, can you try making a script that ONLY clones the character in replicatedstorage & moves it to workspace?
Now, since you know that part of the code works, try adding the other part.
Also, here’s a tip for when you use the devforum: type ``` before and after any code. It’s called a codeblock and it is really helpful when giving scripts.
Edit: you can also click on the </> button on the top of the writing area.
alr so I tested if its something to do with the playeradded but its not and it spawns in fine with the code below, I think its trying to parent it to the player which doesnt work.