How do I make a table that makes IntValues with the same name as the table's value?

(This is in a module script btw). I am trying to make it so that a table(which is the variable k) makes an IntValue with the name of the values in the table
the table kind of looks something like this:

local PlayerInventory = {
	"apples", "bread", "plank", "stone"

I want it to do it until it runs out of values but the only thing it does
is make an int value named 1
I also don’t know how to make the while loop stop when
it is finished making all the values.
The Code:

function module.testmodule(k)
	for i,v in pairs(k) do
		while true do
			wait(0.3)"IntValue", game.Workspace).Name = table_,v
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for i,v in pairs(UrTable) do
local Value =“IntValue”,TheThingUwantItParentedTo)
Value.Name = v