I’m trying to make a tool which has a users group rank on it, I’ve gotten a headshot and a username but I can’t find out how you get a group rank onto it, I only get an error with nil value if I try to do :GetRoleInGroup()
can anyone help?
I’m trying to make a tool which has a users group rank on it, I’ve gotten a headshot and a username but I can’t find out how you get a group rank onto it, I only get an error with nil value if I try to do :GetRoleInGroup()
can anyone help?
If they aren’t in a group with :GetRoleInGroup() being supplemented with a proper group ID, it’ll return nil. Otherwise, it returns their role in that group.
I put a group ID in it yet it still returns nil
Try doing this (Replace all values with your values)
local groupRole = Player:GetRoleInGroup(GROUPID)
script.Parent.Text = groupRole
I’d like to add on that a LocalScript would be better at doing this, as stated in the documentation.
Same exact error as I was getting previously
If a player isn’t in said group, it should return “Guest”, not nil…?
Looks like its not a problem of the function, I think Player
is nil in this.
try creating a local script in StarterPlayer
and paste the code below, and run.
let me know what this prints.
Then why does it print both the username and userid if you print game.Players.LocalPlayer and userid
Send a screenshot of what it prints?
what you sent isn’t of any relevance though as I want it to be on a tool textlabel which you cant just do game.Players.LocalPlayer for
Use a remotefunction, and have a localScript return the requested data.
seems legit (this is ingame when i printed it)
LocalPlayer only works in a LocalScript
OK lets try this then:
print(player.Name.."'s Rank in the group is: "..player:GetGroupRank(GROUPIDHERE))
You did the code wrong.
you need to do:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) print(player.Name.."'s Rank in the group is: "..player:GetRankInGroup(GROUPIDHERE)) end)
you did “GetGroupRank”