How do I make a text Tween animation similar to the game "dingus"

Today, I come to you with a burning question that has been inspiring and intriguing me lately. As some of you might have experienced in the game “Dingus” (created by an incredibly talented developer), there’s this captivating text animation where the text drops onto the screen letter by letter, creating an immersive and eye-catching effect.

I was completely blown away by this animation, and I’m eager to learn how to implement something similar in my own game. Hence, I’m reaching out to this incredible community for guidance and insights. If any of you have experience or knowledge in creating such text animations, I’d be incredibly grateful for your help.

Or maybe it’s a public community resource somewhere in the dev forum, although I couldn’t find any.

I believe that the collective knowledge and expertise of this community can help not only me but also other aspiring developers looking to add captivating text animations to their games.

If you’ve come across any tutorials, code snippets, or examples that can point me in the right direction, please share them in the replies below. Additionally, if you’re willing to guide me through the steps or discuss the implementation in more detail, I’d be more than thrilled to connect with you.



If anyone can help it would mean a lot :pray:

Never worked with guis, but he probably does this:

  1. He iterates through the string he wants to animate and gets each individual character.
for i = 1, #inputText do
    local character = inputText:sub(i, i)
  1. Then he creates a text label for each string.
  2. Then he tweens the size, transparency and position to the desired values.
local endPosition = -- calculate the end position for the label
local endSize =, label.TextSize, 0, label.TextSize)
local tweenInfo =
local transparencyTween = TweenService:Create(label, tweenInfo, { TextTransparency = 0 })
local positionTween = TweenService:Create(label, tweenInfo, { Position = endPosition })
local sizeTween = TweenService:Create(label, tweenInfo, { Size = endSize })


This is just a example