How do I make a try on tool that uses proximity prompt?

I’m trying to make a clothing try on tool that uses proximity prompt. Basically, when I equip the tool, I want the proximity prompt to appear and then disappear once I deselect the tool.

Here’s an example of what I want it to look like:

Does anyone have a solution that can help me?

You can use the tool.Equipped and tool.Unequipped events to detect when the tool is being used (and show / hide the prompts). Then if it’s in a local script you can show the proximity prompts on just the one persons screen. (Not sure how much detail you’d want)

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This is a rather inefficient way to change the clothes of your avatar, but if you insist on doing so this is what I would do:

  1. Make the tool.Equipped and tool.Unequipped event as @Orbular3 mentioned.
  2. Once those events are triggered, you can set the enabled property of the proximity prompt to true or not true.
  3. Finally you can just add clothes to the player’s character. It is also a good idea to destroy all of the other articles of clothing the player has in their character.
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As a side note, if you want to modify the clothing, it seems HumanoidDescription is the way to go.

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