How do i make a vhs effect?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

i want to make a vhs effect similar to the one used in The Backrooms (Found Footage)
and i want to make it smoothly move with the movement of the player’s camera.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

i dont really know how to script or make a gui that smoothly moves with the player’s camera.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

i did looked up in devforum for any vhs effect that which i want but i didnt find any.


(oh btw this is my first topic and also i want to add it in a SCP game not Backrooms game)

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It seems like there are tons of models similar to this on the toolbox. Check them out! Don’t use them, but see how they work. Maybe then you will understand.

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I know that but i found some textures and downloaded them to roblox and i made the gui. But there is one problem i want it to distort on edges is it even possible?

I managed to make a hacky solution to distort the edges of your screen. There are probably much better ways of doing this but here you go (Hopefully this is what you are after):

Here is what my edge effect looks like:

I did this by constantly moving a glass part in front of the players camera, this is also done on the client to prevent lag.

Here is what the glass part looks like (Pretty much looks like a pillow, Its the only way I could get the edge effect to work):

Although, this method has its issues if you choose to use it. Here are a few of the issues:

It clips through the wall when walking up against it.

The sun relfects off of the glass (Which kinda ruins the effect)

I never really decided to pursue this edge effect, but do what you want with this information.

Is this looking good?
Oh btw that light is a flashlight.

It really depends on what you are trying to do. Its up to you whether or not you are happy with it. May I also remind you that this is in the scripting support topic, this is not the place to discuss about lighting or other things unrelated to scripting. If you have a scripting related question feel free to ask.

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oh i just realized that nothing is visible on the screenshot bc of the quality…

Anyways i made another topic feel free to go on it.

wait how do i make the gui glitch?