So I have this city game and I want to make a weather system for it. Any ideas on how to do that? What I want in it: rain, snow, ice (if that is possible), wind and actual floods (but not too much though).
You could ofcourse re-create the seasons effect in your game
- Summer
- Winter
- Monsoon
Now you can start with any sequence of seasons like
summer, winter or winter summer
Make a table like this
local temperatures = {
["Summer"] = {
["High"] = 40, -- celusius
["Low"] = 20
["Winter"] = {
["High"] = 20, -- celusius
["Low"] = -10
["Monsoon"] = {
["High"] = 30, -- celusius
["Low"] = 15
Now when your current season is summer, you do something like this
local season = "Summer"
local chosentemperature = math.random(temperatures[season]["Low"],temperatures[season]["High"])
Now like this you can do it each day in your game, and then you can make a rainy thingy like this
if chosentemperature <= 0 then -- snow formes when temperature reaches 0 or below
-- snow function
You need to go with base tick as the starting time to change season according to your day time:
Like if your season lasts 3 days in game then:
local startingtime = tick()
local startingseason = seasonstable[math.random(1,3)]
local function gettime()
return math.round(tick() - startingtime)
To fire it:
-- if its been more than 3 mins, since the game begun, change season
if gettime() >= 180 -- 60*3 then
season = "Winter"
Okay I’ll try that once I get the time. Thanks.
Since there is a rain and snow function what should I do to create a thunderstorm? (I’m using a gui too)
Create a sky in terrain, and make the sky visible only when its thunderstorm, make it look dark like its a thunderstorm
Spawn thunder models into workspace, into random positions, and make it appear for 0.5 seconds, and then make it produce a sound effect to all players, along with a light