How do I make an admin commands gamepass for Kohl's Admin?

Hello! I am struggling with attempting to make a gamepass that grants VIP commands in Kohl’s Admin to anyone who buys it.

HD Admin is easier to make an admin gamepass for, but it is not suitable what-so-ever for the game I am adding it into (Megalodon Survival). Kohl’s Admin is trickier but I would think someone here would know what to do. I am not a good programmer, so do not expect me to be able to write out any code that you give me. Please provide me with exact lines and where it needs to go if you are able to find a solution for me.

YouTube tutorials on this exact topic are outdated and one of my friends who can code hasn’t tampered with this kind of stuff before.

Please comment if you have any questions for me. I hope you can help. :smiley:


There’s a setting in Khol’s Admin that you can easily make it so a gamepass automatically gives you an admin power.

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Am I doing this wrong? It doesn’t seem to be working for me when I test it out.

Did you also enable vip admin?

I might have. I likely didn’t if the option to enable it isn’t in the screenshot I sent you.

I don’t see any problems with it, try it on an alt.

The alt account that owns the gamepass doesn’t get VIP commands for some reason when I test it.

You can do this by firing a bindableevent in ServerScriptService.

My method is checking if the user owns the Id, and if they do, it will fire the remote with their user Id and the VIP rank (1)

local players = game:GetService('Players') -- Incase you change the name of players.
local marketPlace = game:GetService('MarketplaceService') -- game.MarketPlaceService is weird
local serverScripts = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") -- Incase you change the name of serverscriptservice
local id = 12711446 -- your id here

	if marketPlace:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(plr.UserId,id) then -- checks if they own the gamepass
		serverScripts.setPower:Fire(plr.UserId, 1)

I would put this inside of your admin model:
