How do I make an aircraft carrier hull like this?

Hello I want to make an aircraft carrier hull like this
I’ve built many simple ship hulls but this one is just too hard for me and I don’t know where to start
If you can give me some tips I would be very appreciate
Picture by Navy Recognition


Are you using parts for this or a 3d software?

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If you are working on Roblox Studio you can try to model it in pieces and in the end assemble everything, as if it were a puzzle and create piece by piece. So you will see remarkable progress and it will not be so difficult for you. You can start at the base and build up first the largest pieces with less details and at the end the smaller ones with more details.

Works for me. I hope it helps! :v:


I am using part because I don’t know how to use any 3d software such as blender

It’s very helpful thank you alot!

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I usually print out pictures and outline them to get a rough idea of what parts would go where.

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I did not do it before but I will try my best thank you!

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That shape looks like you could make it using a SpecialMesh with a sphere shape and wedges rounded off by using unions.

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I really appreciate your tips but I’m trying to build the hull in general not just the bulbous bow, anyways thanks alot!

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