How do I make an arcing projectile without using Roblox's body movers or FastCast?

I’m trying to make an arcing arrow, but I don’t know how to implement the math to make it move the way I want it to.

The information that the server has:

  • The starting velocity
  • The starting CFrame (which is, goal) where start and goal are Vector3's
  • The gravity

I don’t want the projectile to always end at the goal. To illustrate what I mean, here is an MS paint drawing:

Can someone give me some insight into this?

I’ve figured it out after playing around with things for a while. It turned out to be extremely simple (subtracting a Vector3 with the workspace gravity from the velocity); I’m not sure if what I’m doing is good for performance, but I’m not going to worry about anything like that right now.

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