How do i make an enemy go from one wall to another to turn around?

I need to know how to make the enemy walk to the wall it hits and then turn around again like Goomba from Super Mario Bros. But only the position for X and Y?

If you just want the NPC to continually patrol from point A to point B and back again, just use a looped MoveTo:

local NPC = script.Parent -- define the NPC
local Humanoid = NPC:WaitForChild("Humanoid") --define the Humanoid
-- Create 2 parts in the workspace at the points you want to patrol to
local partA = workspace.PartA
local partB = workspace.PartB
-- use a loop to continually move to and fro
while true do
	Humanoid:MoveTo(partA Position) -- tell NPC to move to Part A position
	Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Wait() -- wait till it gets there (max 8 seconds)
	Humanoid:MoveTo(partA Position)

If it takes longer than 8 seconds to get from part A to part B, or it is not a direct line of sight path, then you might need use pathfinding, but there are plenty of tutorials on that.

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Hmm…, what if we did it without parts? It would probably just hit the wall and then turn around?

You would need to use raycasts.
This script I made works.
If the script’s parent isn’t the model just change local model into your model.

local model = script.Parent
local primaryPart = model.PrimaryPart
local humanoid = model:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local range = 1

while wait() and model.Parent do
	local isHitting = false
	for z = -1, 1 do
		local offset =, 0, z)
		local origin = primaryPart.Position + offset
		local direction = origin +, 0, 0)

		local params =
		params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
		params.FilterDescendantsInstances = model:GetDescendants()

		local raycast = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, params)

		if raycast and raycast.Instance then
			isHitting = true
	if isHitting == true then
		range = -range
	humanoid:MoveTo(primaryPart.Position +, 0, 0))
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This is so perfect! Thanks you so much for helped my game! =)

No problem. I’m happy to help!

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