How do I make an object orbit around another object?

I want it so that when the player inputs ScrollUp or ScrollDown, the first object rotates or orbits around another object by 22.5 degrees or -22.5 degrees in Y-axis. How do I accomplish this?

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Hello there!

I can’t test the scripts right now, so it might not work, but it’ll be something like that

We can use the math.cos and math.sin to make a circular path

I’ll use planet as the base object and moon as the rotating one

local Value = 0

local Distance = 10

local function Rotate(Action, Input, State)

Moon.CFrame = Planet.CFrame + (, math.sin(Value), 0) * Distance)


Here you’ll need to make a script to chance the value with the mouse wheel

Can’t help with it now sry

This or you could just weld the ‘Moon’ to a phantom part inside the ‘planet’ and rotate the phantom block.

Think it might work better

To detect the mouse wheel you can use ContextActionService or InputService

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No. I tried the weld before, it doesn’t work for me at all.
The center object does rotate, but not the orbiting one.

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Have you tried his code? It seems promising and accurate

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I forgot to mention it in the first reply. Yeah, I will be testing his code out soon

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this is a simple script just wrote to show how to rotate fully around an object

local MainPart = script.Parent
local OriginalCFrame = script.Parent.CFrame
local CurrentRotation = 0  -- current rotation
local RotationRate = 2
local Distance = 10  -- distance out from mainpart

while true do
	CurrentRotation += RotationRate
	-- Need to get the base cframe with the new rotation
	local NewCFrame = OriginalCFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(CurrentRotation), 0)
	-- now get the direction infront of this rotated cframe to place the part that rotates around the mainpart
	workspace.PartToRotate.CFrame = + NewCFrame.LookVector * Distance)

and here is one set with limits of degrees

local MainPart = script.Parent
local OriginalCFrame = script.Parent.CFrame

local AddRotation = true

local MinRotation = -22
local MaxRotation = 22

local CurrentRotation = MinRotation  -- current rotation   -- set to start rotation
local RotationRate = 1  -- added each loop
local Distance = 10  -- distance out from mainpart

while true do

	-- Need to get the base cframe with the new rotation
	local NewCFrame = OriginalCFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(CurrentRotation), 0)
	-- now get the direction infront of this rotated cframe to place the part that rotates around the mainpart
	workspace.PartToRotate.CFrame = + NewCFrame.LookVector * Distance)
	if AddRotation then 
		CurrentRotation += RotationRate
		CurrentRotation -= RotationRate
	if CurrentRotation >= MaxRotation then  -- need to add to get to max degrees
		AddRotation = false
	elseif CurrentRotation <= MinRotation then -- need to add back to stay inbetween degrees
		AddRotation = true

Commented these to help understand how it works

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No luck with this. Here’s how it looks

Edit: Wait, I’m stupid. I used FindFirstChild instead of WaitForChild. Fixing it
Edit 2: Error says “invalid argument (Vector3 expected, got number)”

local value = 0
local center = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Center")
local orbiter = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Orbiter")
local Distance = 10

local function spin()
	orbiter.CFrame = center.CFrame + (,math.sin(value),0)*Distance)

while true do

Try this

local Center = workspace.Center
local orbiter = workspace.Orbitor

local Angle = 0
local Radius = 3 -- Distance away from Center's center 
local Increment = 22.5

while task.wait(1) do
	Angle += Increment
	local Position = * math.abs(Radius), 0, math.sin(math.rad(Angle)) * math.abs(Radius))
	orbiter.CFrame = Center.CFrame *

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This worked, thank you. I will go with this

Actually nvm, this is better. Thank you for the help

I dont think I need to say this but I’ll say it anyway… The angle is in degrees so basically 0 to 360 degrees. Your degrees can also be negative and they can be above 360 btw so don’t worry about it