How do I make an UI object that can only be shown though an image, kind of like clip descendants

Hi there, so basically what I’m trying to do is to make something similar to a clip descendant, but it’s a bit different. I have an image label which resembles a rectangle with two wedges at each side. I have a frame and I turned clip descendants on in the properties of the image label. The frame can’t be shown when moved underneath the image or above it so that part works, but the two wedges on each side don’t render clip descendants because image files can only be a rectangle/square. Here is an example
This is when you move the UI object under image which works really well.
But this is when you try do the same thing with the wedges on the image, it overlaps it.
A good example of what I’m looking for is the following

Any help would be great, thanks.

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Hey, if you’re still looking for how to do this, the one used in your demonstration is just a background, then on top is one that is filled in, and a frame is using ClipDescendants to crop it out