How do I make an Unanchored part stop moving?

Hey there!

I am making a stage for my Difficulty Chart Obby, and I wrote a script that clones a ball from serverstorage and makes his position the top of the slope in a while true do loop.

Now, my question, how do I make the part stop moving before it gets cloned and back to the top of the hill?


local Fallball = game.ServerStorage.FallBall

while wait(3) do
	Fallball.Parent = game.Workspace
	Fallball.Position =, 2422.444, -30)
	Fallball.Velocity =,0,0)


-Bleep :slight_smile:

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Maybe you can use a BodyVelocity with a high MaxForce and a,0,0), that’s how I usually stop characters when they should be stuck but without anchoring the primary part.


Thnx! Using Vector3 instead of CFrame solved it!

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Another option could be to make a wall with can collide false at the bottom of the hill, when the ball touches this part, it would change it’s CFrame and set it to the top of the hill, you can also change any other properties if you want to, to create cool effects and more detail.