How do i make an update status in roblox?

So i want to make an update status in my roblox game. I mean if somebody is playing the game and i am clicking publish to roblox in roblox studio then the player in the game sees a GIU that says “New update avaliable”.
My problem is i dont get it to update the MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(PlaceID).Updated. i have it in an While wait(5) do so every 5 seconds it should check. But after i click publish to roblox in Roblox Studio it still says in Roblox Player that its the same Update its not saying like 2021-09-11T13:00:39.3668262Z its just saying the old Update version like 2021-09-11T12:32:23.2118686Z until i rejoin the game then it says the new update version. Can anyone help me?

Thats the code i am using. Did i do something wrong?

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ServerVersionW = game.Workspace.ServerVersion -- Theres an Script inside the Value that checked the latest version when the game started so it would have that inside of it  2021-09-11T12:32:23.2118686Z

while wait(5) do
	local ServerVersion = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(PlaceID)
	script.Parent.Version.Value = ServerVersion.Updated
	if  script.Parent.Version.Value ~= ServerVersionW.Value then
		script.Parent.Parent.Update.Visible = true
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i don’t know if you are referring to what is printed in output or to the 'script.Parent.Parent.Update.Visible = true" bit, but

You could try putting a second print for the new value

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ServerVersionW = game.Workspace.ServerVersion -- Theres an Script inside the Value that checked the latest version when the game started so it would have that inside of it  2021-09-11T12:32:23.2118686Z

while wait(5) do
	local ServerVersion = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(PlaceID)
	script.Parent.Version.Value = ServerVersion.Updated
	if  script.Parent.Version.Value ~= ServerVersionW.Value then
		script.Parent.Parent.Update.Visible = true

I already did that but didnt include it here into the code. Just its also saying the same even after the Publish to roblox