How do i make animation intro in roblox studio?

Just in case of my project.
If you have an idea please share it on this topic.

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You could create a video with a video editor program or use the TweenService of the Gui to animate the immages.


Hey, use an animator, when you finally finish DON’T CLOSE THE ANIMATOR or maybe it won’t save, then start recording your screen
I hope this helped you

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Hey, @CeMhystic,
to make a intro in Roblox studio, use Moon Animator. Animate your character anyway you want. Then save it. Hide moon animator then use a recording software to record it. Note: you need to position your camera angle to were you wanna do the intro. Finally, add sound effects and polish it.

If you don’t know how to use moon animator, its pretty easy!


You can use Moon Animator to animate both characters and the camera to create cutscenes. There are many tutorials here on the DevForum and on YouTube on how to use Moon Animator.

just as an opinion, but moon animator (to me) is horrible

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