Hello there. I have been in a tough pickle when it comes to building in Roblox and seem to have lost all creativity when it comes to it and I was wanting to make a forest but I cant make good looking high poly models without using free models I can nail the overall trunk aspect but cant really seem to make the actual leaves that help make it what it is. If you can help me by giving me a basic rundown on what I am doing wrong please let me know so I can improve on it.
TL:DR I need help with the leaves on making better trees that I can use to make a forest game.
Can we see some pictures of a couple of your attempts? That would be a little easier to give feedback on.
You could use decals to make it realistic, leaf meshes… You could add square blocks if you are going for an old look.
You basically practice and use images it can come from many ways viewing real life buildings different locations. Making detailed models can be done with using a image and sketching around it getting those curves and important parts. Or using alternative softwares.
There are many ways to make detailed models without the need in watching tutorials you can do this with choosing in image and use inspiration normally search an image you’re trying to create on “google” or visit a specific site that provides images there wanting. I’ll visit different types of sites to get inspiration things like (Pinterest, poly count) or images on google.
Giving a more in depth brake down about how to make leaves is something like a tutorial or guide showing you how to properly create them, there is nothing wrong with viewing a few beginner tutorials that’s a way you’ll learn how to make detailed looking builds .