How do i make billboard guis stay the same size no mater how far away the player is?

how do i make billboard guis stay the same size no mater how far away the player is?

i have tried:

changing the size to be non scalable: did not work

changing the size with a script using advanced brick positions to constanty update size: did not work and very buggy

  • i see all these simulators and other games use billboard guis that dont expand when the player walks away from them. its honestly one of the features iv always despised but never knew how to do anything.


see what i mean though :face_vomiting:

You’re misunderstanding the wording here. The size in offset will give it a constant size. The size in scale will make it shrink with distance. Neither option causes it to grow. If you want it to get smaller with distance and you are using text, you likely need to turn on TextScaled.

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edit: i figured out what it was doing. it was still expanding. how do i stop it from expaning? i changed the offset but its not working. Is there a tutorial i can watch?

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i think the issue is im changing the incorrect offset. can you please give me the properties exact name and confirm its in billboard gui?

@JarodOfOrbiter are you there?

I changed every single offset property (all six) to something and its not working. none of the tutorials on it mention anything about it being able to not change. do simulator devs just have a magic key or something to use only pro abilities or something?

Read up on how BillboardGui Size works here: BillboardGui | Roblox Creator Documentation

Scalar portion of size maps to in-game studs. Offset portion maps to on-screen pixels. If any of the descendants of your BillboardGui have a size with a nonzero Offset, then it will contribute to a constant pixel size on-screen (i.e. when you move the camera away, it appears larger in the world, but not on your screen).

ok so do i delete size property?

Read the documentation I linked - If you want your GUI to scale with in-world size, use scale. If you want it to have a constant pixel size on screen, use offset.


ok i think you means size. however when i try to do offset it doesnt appear

Size (and Position, for that matter) is a UDim2, which contains an X component and Y component. These components are UDim properties, which each have a Scale and Offset value.


in billboard gui or text l;abel?

I can’t help you if you’re not going to read the resources I linked. I’m not going to echo all that content in a devforum post.

dude the article doesnt explain anything im inquiring about. not once does it mention in detail how to get to it, how to use it, or other concerns. i changed all of the stuff to offset instead of scale and i have more issues but a 3 sentence post isnt going to solve the further issue

i just put the article in grammarly and there are 8 typos and 9 advanced errors. mainly about unclear sentences and poor wording. send me a different source please

(a video suspifically of you or somone else going through steps and manually changing it)

also some of your responses are literaly copy pasted from the unclear article

right now im reading a different post where there actually walking through the issue with the user

im going to see if i can find my answers there

Maybe you should post about those issues on #bug-reports:developer-hub so they can get addressed.

Turning on TextScaled was the first reply you received on this thread.

To explain TextScaled scales the text according to the size of the containing GuiObject, so if the TextLabel instance increases in size then so will the size of the text within it and oppositely if the TextLabel instance decreases in size then so will the size of the text within it. When you scale a TextLabel instance inside a BillboardGui instance according to scale the size of the TextLabel instance is handled by your camera’s distance to the BillboardGui, so further away will cause the TextLabel to shrink on the screen and closer to will cause the TextLabel to enlarge on the screen. Because of this behavior TextScaled is required for the text to scale correctly in accordance with the size of the TextLabel instance it is contained inside.

Hopefully this long block of text makes some sense to you.

text scaling wasnt the solution though.

Setting the size of the TextLabel instance using the scale components only of a UDim2 value was?

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