How do I make billboard stay same size?

Hi, i’m trying to find out how to make billboard stay same size when i zoom in or zoom out

Zoomed out: image

What size i want it to stay as regardless of zooming out:

I have checked other topics but couldn’t fix my issue, so i decided to make this post.

Screenshot of lay out: image

Yes it is using scale

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It may sound weird but when it comes to billboard UI you have to use Offset to achieve that result(the opposite of screen UI for some reason)

Make sure your ImageLabel is also using as size Scale instead of Offset.

-- Which one is Scale and which one is Offset:
{Scale, Offset},{Scale, Offset}
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Incorrect, as I said above billboard UI doesn’t work like screen UI when it comes to scaling.

It’s not clear what you’re going for. So here’s both ways:

To make the billboard get smaller when you walk away, you have to make sure both the NpcUI and its descendants use scale.
To make the billboard stay the same size no matter the distance, you have to make sure both the NpcUI and its descendants use offset.


You must use offset values for billboards to keep them the same size.
Just set the NpcUI’s size to its offset size.

It’s pretty simple, just copy the AbsoluteSizeX and AbsoluteSizeY of the billboard and set the size to:
0, AbsoluteSizeX, 0, AbsoluteSizeY and I think that should work

quick note: you must position the camera so that the current size matches the size you want, and only then convert it to offset.

Thanks for the assistance guys, when I set the billboard to fully offset it seems to get large as I zoom out,

however when I use a mixture of scale and offset on the billboardgui it seems to do the job


Zoomed in: image

Zoomed out:

If anyone is wondering what the imagelabel is set, it’s set on scale image

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Use scale only, for the best results.