How do i make checkpoints?

Hello Roblox developer forum, im making a speed run game and want to add checkpoints between stages, how would you do this, i’ve used spawn points but they sometimes make you spawn there. is there anyway to do this???


You will have to make custom spawn points that teleport your character there when you spawn.

When a character touches the checkpoint (using .Touched on the checkpoint part in a server script), set that as their new spawn point. When they die/respawn, teleport them to whichever point is their current.

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ah ok, ill try this thanks

There is a page on the roblox dev website that teaches you how to use Player.RespawnLocation to set checkpoints on touch

Sometimes, a quick google search will help you with your problem :smile:


i got it to work thank you @JinxFury18

is the script in a ServerScriptService or something els?

Yes. I put it in ServerScriptService and it works for me.