How do i make console buttons guide like this?

I was wondering how to make these buttons guide

these are just images on the side of the screen with text next to it

heres a zip folder that has a bunch of different icons for keyboards, switch, wii, xbox, ps4 its got a lot its made by some dude called nick:

Xelu_Free_Controller& (4.9 MB)

if your wanting a step by step process on how to make the ui:

  1. in startergui insert a “screengui”
  2. add a frame
  3. position the frame in the bottom left of the screen
  4. make sure theres enough room to fit however many things you want to show
  5. add an image, size it correctly
  6. add a text label size correctly

download a plugin to auto-scale things for all devices

console button thingy made

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