How do I make destructible parts?

So recently, I’ve been trying to make a Roblox Game where you siege a castle with some friends. I wanted the castle to be destructible kinda like how it is in Doomspire Brickbattle. All of the videos I’ve watched so far tell me to use inlets under outlets, or welds (surfaces). I already tried both of those but I could still move the blocks with my body.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


This is pretty simple. Make sure your tower is unanchored and welded together.

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I already tried that, but I’ll take another look.

I just put surface welds on the bottom of the top and bottom brick and put one on top of the other, and my character is still able to push the bricks apart. Am I doing something wrong?

Try using WeldConstraints to weld your parts together. They automatically destroy when near an explosion.

You can use WeldConstriants, these only break with explosion:


Maybe you forgot to turn on “Join Surfaces” option?

By the way; inlets, outlets, welds and glue surfaces doesn’t makes joint so you have to make your own. Again, you can enable “Join Surfaces” option or use WeldConstriants (which I prefer using them.).


Yes I think I forgot to turn on join surfaces, I will try that along with using weld constriants.

I did join surfaces, and that worked.

Ok, I might sound like a noob, and I am.
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