How do i Make dialog Style Like Hotline Miami?

I want to make npc dialog Style like Hotline Miami but the problem is i can’t script well.


I’m guessing you’re trying to make NPC dialogue? In this case, you’ll need to make a ScreenGui that has a Frame and a TextLabel inside the frame.

If you’re looking for a similar gradient effect, then you can use an UIGradient instance inside the TextLabel for the dialogue, and you can also add another TextLabel that has a ZIndex lower than the main TextLabel.

For the actual code, you can add a ProximityPrompt inside an invisible part that triggers a RemoteEvent; Create a RemoteEvent inside of ReplicatedStorage and do something like this:

-- Server
local DialogueRemote:RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.DialogueRemote

local NPC_Part = script.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = NPC_Part:FindFirstChildOfClass("ProximityPrompt")

local DialogueText = "Hello stranger, what are you doing in my home?"

	DialogueRemote:FireClient(Player, DialogueText)

-- Client

local DialogueRemote = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DialogueRemote")

local GUI = script.Parent
local Frame = GUI:WaitForChild("Frame")
local MainText, DropShadow = Frame:WaitForChild("MainText"), Frame:FindFirstChild("DropShadow", true)

local PopUpTime = 5 -- Amount of time it takes for the UI to disappear

	if GUI.Enabled then return end -- Ensures the UI isn't already enabled to avoid spam
	GUI.Enabled = true
	MainText.Text = DialogueText; DropShadow.Text = MainText.Text
	GUI.Enabled = false

This contains the code, UI, etc. Use it as a means to educate yourself in this stuff. Hope this helps!
Hotline Miami Dialogue UI.rbxl (57.5 KB)


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