How do i make everyone wear the shirts and pants i want

Lets say i want to make a game were everyone upon joing has a lets say for example a green shirt and green pants. how would i be able to do that

also sorry if the answer is obvious im a newbie to coding.

You would use the Event CharacterAdded as a trigger:

At the bottom of that article, there is an Accessory Remover example, which you could modify to do what you want.
In place of the for loop, try

character.Pants.PantsTemplate = <the ID of the pants you want them to wear>
character.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = <the ID of the shirt you want them to wear>
1. local function onCharacterAdded(character)
    character.Pants.PantsTemplate = <the ID of the pants you want them to wear>
    character.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = <the ID of the shirt you want them to wear>

1. local function destroyshirts(object)
2. if object:IsA("Shirt") or object:IsA("Pants") then
3. object:Destroy()
4. end

I would launch the 2nd function first and the other function after
so kinda like that?

No like this

        for _, thing in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
            if thing:IsA("Shirt") then
                thing.ShirtTemplate = -- //Your ID of the shirt
            if thing:IsA("Pants") then
                thing.PantsTemplate = -- //Your ID of the pants
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Oh ok thanks you thats helped alot

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