I have a lot of part but i want to color them all pastel light blue is there anything i can put into the command bar?
Move all the parts you want to colour to the side at one time. Then deselect them and hold left click and drag over all those parts and colour them blue, and then move them back to their original place
Or shift click all the parts you want to colour, and when all those parts are selected, change their colour and you do not have to move them
What’s your criteria for getting the parts to begin with? That needs to be taken into account: without context, we can’t help you other than provide prospective answers.
For example, my prospective answer is based on recolouring everything you currently have selected though this is pointless because at that point you can just use the properties window.
for _, part in ipairs(game.Selection:Get()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Pastel light blue") end end
This is only command bar code, hence the lack of GetService.
** This post was not intended to be a solution nor a way to get code for free that again is pointless, please answer the question I’ve posed. In the future, try resolving problems yourself first as well.