How do I make Fortnite Based Live Events?

Hello there developers,

I just wanted to say I have always wanted to make a Fortnite based live event for ages now and I can’t find anything! I don’t know what to put in the script to make a rocket launch live event that goes into a rift and do other things. Right now I’m trying to make a live event on my friend’s game called Kracka’s city. (On my friends’ account). Game link: K racka’s City (REBORN!) READ DESCRIPTION! - Roblox

I don’t know how to do it exactly but there are many tutorials to do them (in a simple way)

For example:

From Alvinblox

From Daw588

If you want an event that is not in Workspace and you want to have it saved until that moment, the best thing you can do is put it in ServerStorage and program the code to spawn at that moment.

Use this:

Okay thank you, but I have watched most of these and I still don’t know

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