Is this Script? Or Local Script?
This is a script, you can only access datastores through scripts. If you want to get it on the client, use a remote function, invoke the server, and have the server return the gangs.
Okay thanks lemme try that. (30 letters)
Hello so after a week of creating i finally work on that part, how do i should add GANGS to GANGS variable each time plr create a new gang?
So this is my script where i should get when player create gang
local GangCEvent = game.Workspace.GangsEvents.GangCEvent
local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local gangds = dss:GetDataStore("GangNames")
Im Guessing the one similar to Roblox Wild west
GLHF hope this helped you
I think no because i need a Entire servers gang system not on one server
I need to somehow save to datastore gangs names
I think i should add a value in datastore somehow
So, if it is a table in the datastore, you could insert the gang name into the datastore by doing:
gangds:SetAsync("key", table.insert(gangds:GetAsync("key"), name))
Typing out a long reply, give me 20min.
Ohh then i should get a player text from textbox and make it in datastore
Wait how do i get which text player wrote in textbox?
pass it along with the remote event.
and receive it like this:
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, name)
Breeh but i alr have a on server event with Gang Remote event
Just add it as another variable on the OnServerEvent
Hmmm wait, but it will fireserver with textbox text nil, because by default is nil , i need after player entered a name and clicked enter(idk)
local Gangs = {}
local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Store = DS:GetDataStore("Gangs_1")
local ActiveGangs = {}
local GangMethods = {} --- Using Metatbles for this.
GangMethods.__index = GangMethods
--- Core with gang internals.
function GangMethods:AddPlayer(PlayerToAdd)
assert(not PlayerToAdd, "No player given. Cant add nil value.")
table.insert(self.Players, PlayerToAdd.UserId)
function GangMethods:RemovePlayer(PlayerToRemove)
assert(not PlayerToRemove, "Cannot remove nil player.")
local Player_Index = table.find(self.Players, PlayerToRemove.UserId)
table.remove(self.Players, Player_Index)
function GangMethods:Upgrade() -- Idk how you wanna handle this
-- Do upgrade stuff here
--- All other Core stuff here.
function DefaultGangInfo(Owner, GangName) -- Default Gang Info
return {
Owner = Owner;
Name = GangName;
GangID = HTTP:GenerateGUID();
Players = {}; -- by userid
Upgrades = {
["Health"] = 1; -- Upgrade Name Level.
function CheckGangExist(GangName)
return Store:GetAsync(GangName) and true or false
function Gangs.Create(Owner, GangName) -- When player wants to create a new Gang.
assert(not GangName, "No name given! Cannot create a Gang with no name!")
assert(not Owner, "Cannot create gang without owner.")
local GangInfo
if not CheckGangExist(GangName) then -- Check if Gang exists.
GangInfo = DefaultGangInfo(Owner, GangName)
Store:UpdateAsync(Owner.UserId, function(Old)
return GangInfo -- save new gang to Gang list.
return setmetatable(GangInfo, GangMethods)
function Gangs.Load(Owner)
local GangData = Store:GetAsync(Owner.UserId)
local GangMeta
if GangData then
GangMeta = setmetatable(GangData, GangMethods)
ActiveGangs[GangData.GangID] = GangMeta
return GangMeta
return Gangs
My god, that looks so hard omg
Its not to complex, just read the code.