it looks really cool and i wanted to know how he did it from what i can tell he used particle and beam at least that’s what i think bu if u got any idea on how i can do something similar to do plss tell me any help will be appreciated thank you
The rain is made by particles that are going down from above, the rain splashes are a completely separate particle effect placed on the floor.
The fire around the body is most likely a particle effect using a custom decal with light emissions , recolour, a low life time and a relatively low speed to create an aura like effect.
As for the beam looking things, I think that could be done with particles as well , with them having a small spread angle, and various sizes. Not too sure about this one though.
And forgot to mention, to make a decent particle effect in general, you need relatively good decals that you can customize and do a lot with, then you just mess around with the particle emmiter settings until you get what you like.