How do I make helmets/items fall off with ACS?

I want to be able to script helmets to be shot by a gun and fall off, giving the player another chance at life. Does anyone know how to create something like this?

you can detect if the bullet hits the helmet. if it does then have the helmet be parented to workspace. if not then have the player take damage or whatever else will happen.

What would be the script for that?

I am not familiar with ACS. Does it use raycasting or projectiles?

It is pretty simple, I’m sure you can script it yourself. On every shot just check if the shot object’s parent is an “Accessory” and if so parent the accessory to workspace and you should be good

something like this:

local function fire()
	--raycast and get a part that it hit
	return hitPart
	hitPart = fire()
	if hitPart and hitPart.Parent then
		if hitPart.Parent:IsA("Accessory") then
			hitPart.Parent.Parent = workspace

remember that this is pseudocode and will not work unless you implement the actual logic. Dont use your own fire function, you have to modify the one in the ACS script.