Hello, I have made a inventory system and it works. I have working items but the only issue is that I dont know how to add in-game clothing. For example when you first play the game you are given a set of clothing, you can equip it, drop it, etc. I tried doing an if statement and it didnt really work I am bit messed up on how I should clone the Shirt and Pants to the character when they equip it. How can I make in-game clothing?
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Is it clothing or like some armor/parts that go over the players avatar?
No, its clothing like Shirt and Pants
If the shirt/pants are stored in a “Shirt” instance (not an IntValue or whatever), you can just :Clone() them directly into the player’s character.
If, however, their templates are stored in something else (like a variable in a script or whatever), you can do:
shirt = Instance.new("Shirt",player.Character); shirt.ShirtTemplate = --insert shirt template asset here