How do i make inventory?

This time I want to make inventory system but I dont know how to make.
And I searched but I couldnt understand yet.

At first The inventory will be like this,
and there are 117 slots.

this is explorer.

There are 117 slot.

I want to save/load
Itemname(String) and Howmany(IntValue)
local script location is in the exploror

This is ServerScriptService script.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Ineventory")
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.Shops

	local LoadItemRemoteEvent = RemoteEvent.LoadItem
	local data = {}

	local playerId = player.UserId
	--I want to load and set "HowmanyValue and ItemName to the gui,
--I think I need to use remoteEvent.

	local SaveItemRemoteEvent = RemoteEvent.LoadItem
	local data = {}

	local playerId = player.UserId
	--I want to save data HowmanyValue and ItemName to the Datastore,


This is local script script.

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.Shops


Some one please help my script.

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Ok first thing, if you want help with something you cannot ask for someone to script an entire system for you. I get you are trying to learn but there are plenty of tutorials for making an inventory


Yeah never ask for people to make systems for you. You have to start small, and learn slowly. You can jump to objects you don’t know yet, since there’s lots of building blocks to those objects you must learn first.

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I’ve made an inventory system in the past, and I can send you it so you can inspect things, and get to know how things work. You have to know how a lot of things work.

Anyway here is the place, it’s very messy because this was when I was exploring roblox studio and tried many different things. A lot of people are in your exact same position, but they get to excited about scripting and try to go for big things when they are not ready. All I have to say is take things slow, make small projects. These can include like little things like DataStores or Tweening Gui.

InventorySystemE.rbxl (55.5 KB)

Off Topic
In order to organize Frames, you can add UIListLayout to the frame to create a layout instead of you doing it manually.

ok thanks im gonna learn about inventory