How Do I Make It One Player Only?


I’m really new to Lua & I’m still learning a lot of stuff. Sorry if I sound stupid lol.

I’m making a Tycoon game & I was wondering if I could get some help with this code.

I want it so that once the part is touched once & is claimed by a player. No other players can claim it.

I’m assuming I just have to write something like If #### = false then #### or something but I’m really unsure.

This is my code so far (sorry if it’s bad).

Any help would be appreciated.

You can just use a bool value and see if its claimed or not.

local claimed = false

--Part Touched
if claimed == false then
   --the player can claim it 
  claimed = true
   --the part is already claimed

Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver.

It doesn’t work. Here’s the code:

Did I do something wrong?

Your ends… at the last end, at a close parenthesis. Then at the second last end, remove the closing parenthesis. Then delete the third last end.

It’ll look something like this :

    if Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
        script.Parent.BillboardGui.TextLabel.Text = (Hit.Parent.Name .. "'s Programming Base!")
        claimed = true
        --Whatever you gotta do here...
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go to your games place settings and set the max player count to 1

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He’s talking 'bout something else, if you read above…

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oh i saw the title and thought he meant something else

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local claimed = false
local name = script.Parent.BillboardGui.TextLabel
local currentPlayer ='StringValue') -- Current player who owns tycoon
currentPlayer.Parent = script.Parent

    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') ~= nil then
        if claimed == false then
            claimed = true
            local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
            name.Text = player.Name.."'s Programming Base!"
            currentPlayer.Value = player.Name

-- Setting up a PlayerRemoving event can check if the player left and then clear the tycoon
    if currentPlayer.Value == player.Name then
        currentPlayer.Value = nil
        claimed = false
        name.Text = 'Claim'

Still doesn’t work :joy:

Someone corrected me, just remove the ) at line 13 and you should be fine (if you’re still confused I fixed the script above, just copy and paste it).

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Also you need another ) in the last end.

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It works but when the player who claimed leaves the game, the tycoon doesn’t become claimable again. I setup a RemoteEvent. Is this right?

image image

No, PlayerRemoving is its own event and not a remote event. You can just leave it as is.

Also replace the touched event with this, let me know if it works:

    if claimed == false then
        if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') ~= nil then
            claimed = true
            local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
            name.Text = player.Name.."'s Programming Base!"
            currentPlayer.Value = player.Name
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I tested it & it still doesn’t work.

Here’s the full code:

Hey there!

The script isn’t working, because it tries to set StringValue’s Value to nil, which isn’t possible and it results into an error.

If you replace the PlayerRemoving part of the code with this:

    if currentPlayer.Value == player.Name then
        currentPlayer.Value = ""
        claimed = false
        name.Text = 'Claim'

then it should work just fine.

Hope this helped, have nice rest of your day!

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here is the code:

Code.txt (779 Bytes)

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if you make it so that when the part is touched it teams the player to lets say red team if you then do script.Disabled = True then it shouldn’t let any other players get teamed red. It would also be a good idea to turn the collision off and part.visible = false. Tell me if this doesn’t work so I can do some tests on it to try fix it. I am not certain how to change the team but I think you an use Player.Team = Team name this might not be the case though.